So what do I do?

Adirondack Stream

Most of my time outside of school is spent in two places, and the first of those is church.  I assist St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in North Charleston, South Carolina.  I teach little kids at church the foundation of what the religion is in order for them to be able to receive their First Comunion in the Catholic faith.  I am also in charge of making the music for the choir as well as forming  part of it and also for making the music for the community for our mass in Spanish.  I can say I have a busy agenda with school and church, but that is not all.

caravita  I started interning at Caravita USA August of 2011 and until this day still help around.  I am aspiring to be able to turn my internship into an acutal position there near my graduation date.  Right now I am currently in an assistant position being that both representatives here have business travel and need a reliable person in the office during their absence.

My actual job right now is a part-time position at Advance Auto Parts.  I have working there since May 2010 and love my job!  The people I work with are very flexible and understanding and we all treat each other as family, which makes working at this store a fun experience.  I have indeed learned a lot from this business and can say that this is something I would not like to let go.

sportsOne last thing I do, wherever in my schedule that I can fit is, is play and keep up with sports.  I am a fanatic of soccer, basketball, and basebabrazilll and love to play and watch them on tv equally.  Soccer is my forte, however-- my passion and the one thing I always seem to make time for.  I love to play and watch this sport and am determined to go to the World Cup in Brazil in 2014.

This is me!! :))